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Greenbank news

This is our news page where we will post up anything which is considered relevant to the

well being of our allotment and of our piot holders.

Flickr has allotment images from our events....


Don't forget that we have lots of pictures taken at the Greenbank Allotments events and around the site over the past year or so showing how lovely the place can be.


These are on our Flickr website - it is well worth a look, and you never know you just might be on one of the people or allotments which we feature on it!!!


To see the all of the images please take a few minutes and look here

Event Ideas for 2023


Greenbank Lane Allotments Events Plan 2023...We will be looking to hold a number if events for the coming year, below are just some of the ideas we have but of you have any others please cobtact us,,,


Easter (Egg Hunt etc) April

Educational Events April - October (to be developed) inc Bird Box Building/ Bee Keeping/Hedgehog Box/Wildlife etc – nvite small groups from schools

Open Day (inc Plant Sale/Tours of Plots/ Raffle for Charity etc)

National Allotment Week – August (??) to be discussed for any events etc

Family and Children Afternoon (BBQ) Summer Months

Plant Sale May-June

Fruit & Veg Competition July – August

Harvest Festival September

Halloween/Bonfire Night (inc Pumpkin Competition) October – November

Xmas Plot Community Gathering December

Ritchie the Ranger Date to be discussed – local history guide around allotment area

Plant Sale 2024

The first key event for 2024 has taken place when the Plant Sale was held attended by many plot holders and guests in which they also donated a number of items which were used as prizes and were raffed off  with all proceeds gioing to the chosen good cause, this time it raised over £152 which was handed ver the the NHS Walton Neurolgical Centre.



Merseyside Fire and Rescue service warning.....


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service wants to reduce the risk of fires starting during the summer months.


Fire officers are urging businesses to reduce the risk of fires spreading if they start by designating an area for rubbish bins and skips which is a safe distance away from buildings and boundaries, as well as reducing the amount of rubbish stored on premises by arranging for its regular removal by the disposal agency.


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, said: “We also advise businesses keep escape routes clear, purchase metal bins with lockable lids to hold rubbish and keep wheelie bins a safe distance away from buildings and boundaries. We also advise businesses to stack pallets neatly, to a safe height and away from buildings or boundaries and arrange for their prompt return.


“We would also like to remind businesses and business owners to review their current Fire Risk Assessments and urge them to read the information about the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, which is available on the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service website.”


You can contact Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service to request firefighters top carry out a Site Specific Risk Information (SSRI) visit where they can also give fire safety advice to businesses.  For more free fire safety advice go to or call 0800 731 5958 and follow @MerseyFire


National Allotments Week is an annual celebration in the United Kingdom, and this year, it takes place from August 7 to 13. Allotments are small plots of land rented to individuals, usually to grow food crops. There is no standard plot size, but the most common is 830 square feet. This year, the theme for National Allotments Week is a recognition of the importance of gardening with nature in mind. In addition to supporting processes in the ecosystem such as pollination, an allotment plot provides a haven for wildlife in urban areas.


Supporting Sunflowers Charity

Once again Greenbank Allotments has played a key role in supporting charitable and good causes, this in making a donation towards the fantastic work and support carried out by Liverpool Sunflowers.  Following the recent plant sale in May, over £150 was raised through the generosity of our allotment community, for which this was presented by Lorraine to Emma Squibb of Sunflowers.  Sunflowers plays a pivotal role as a charity providing support to local people following a diagnosis of cancer or other life-changing illness, through a large range of weekly services designed to improve and support your health and wellbeing. All of its services are delivered either free or at low cost to our registered clients. So a big thank you to everyone who came along to our event and not only had a very good time but has helped this worthy charity.

Memories of 2015.....Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital Appeal....


Plot holders of the Greenbank Lane Allotment Society gathered in force for a special Open Day in aid of supporting the work of the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Charity. 


On a hot and sunny day, the sky was mainly blue and the weather fine, a feast of home made food was available in abundance - from cakes to pies, fruit to tasty beef burgers and hot dogs from the barbeque - all to buy to help raise funds for chosen charity appeal.


With over £470 raised it was clear that not only only was the food plentiful and well received, but the kindness and company of friends, guests and visitors was above all warmer than the weather on the day.

Special guest on the day and who take time from her busy schedule was the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Erica Kemp, herself a keen gardener, officially opened the event.  The Lord Mayor toured the site and met and talked with visitors and plot holders and made a speech which highlighted both the great work being carried out by the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Charity, and also the support given by the Greenbank Lane Allotment Society for organising this special day.

Plot-Holders Note Only

Halloween at Greenbank Allotment

30th October 1-5pm

Spooktacular volunteers and donations needed!  Can you help: Set up and decorate (10-12.30pm)

Tidy up and dismantle the gazebo (5-6pm)

Run the activity stands and games (slots 1-3, 3-5pm) / Help manage the BBQ (TBC)

Run the hot drink stands (12.30-2.30, 2.30-5pm) We are also looking for people to donate:Raffle prizes / Cakes and spooky treats etc - finally you may wish to hire a table to sell items



© 2014 Greenbank Lane Allotments Society. Proudly created with

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